One year of Cryptid history! I noticed the other day that it had been a year since I started doing the Cryptid history blog. And unfortunately over the past few months I haven’t been posting as often as I would like. The primary reason for this of course is because I have a new job I’m working from home and I’m just not finding as much spare time as I would like while I’m getting the hang of my new job. The secondary reason is of course that Cryptid history was an outlet for me to be creative and to do something that I really liked doing and focus on that rather than where I was. So for that it was really great it was a great outlet. Now it’s been a year and I’ve published a few things on Cryptid history blog and I really enjoyed it. But the other external factors that pushed me to the blog have been mitigated. I also have the Instagram page still that I that I post to from time to time as well. But I’m really taking stock in what I should do next and I’m not 100% sure yet.
I have several books on my bookshelf that I have that I still need to review. So look for those coming up here in the next few weeks. I have a couple more books by Ken Feder that I need to review, I also have “Abominable Science!” that I need to finish reading in reviewing. I also have a Bigfoot Yeti and the last Neanderthal, A Geneticist search for the Modern Ape Man by Brian Sykes that I’m looking forward to reading as well so I have a lot of quality stuff coming up to be reviewed as book reviews for the blog.
I also been watching some creature features lately that I really love. I think it goes hand-in-hand with like in crypto zoology. Most people I know who are interested in Cryptids at least have a passing interest in what I like to call creature features. Those are usually the sort of low budget sci-fi type movies that would show in the afternoons on the Syfy channel and were fun but generally not very good.I may do a few reviews of those as well simply just because they’re fun and they’re silly and generally not a stressful thing to watch.
Another thing I am planning to focus on is writing up my experiences last year with the Florida skunk ape conference in Punta Gorda. That was a really interesting experience because it was a lot of local speakers coupled with some national people. The main speaker was David Shealy. David Shealy owns the skunk ape headquarters in Ohchopee, Florida. It is sort of tucked in between grand Cypress and Everglades national parks down there. He claims to have numerous experiences and sightings and stuff with the skunk ape going back to the 70s so that again it’s very interesting. He’s also you know what I can really only describe as your stereo typical Florida man he’s a swamp person, and I don’t mean that In a derogatory sort of way. His family has old connections to that land to South Florida into the wilderness of South Florida and it really it is a totally different way of life down there. It reminds me a lot of when you go to Appalachians. It is a totally different regional culture and way of life that to outsiders is not just novel but totally totally different than what they’re used to. I’m planning on doing some write ups of that experience because it really did run the gamut from being really super into the “woo” aspect of cryptozoology to more grounded. What really struck me about the stuff I heard at the Florida Skunkape Confrence was the absurdity of some of the speakers coupled with the groundedness of others. And naturally when I write up my thoughts on Shelley’s Presentation I will have plenty to say. There are some things that he said especially in relationship to the national park service that I highly doubt actually happened. I may even put in some freedom of information requests or contact a few people that I know in the national park service to shed some light on what he had to say and how he said it. So look forward to that coming up in the future as well that should be exciting but that’ll take some time because I want to transcribe his speech and publish that well as. Primary source. In any case there’s a lot coming up for a Cryptid history in the next few months.
I also have a ticket to see the Florida Bigfoot conference in April. I’m excited for that because the main speaker is supposed to be Jeff Meldrum. Meldrum is one of those guys that when I was younger had a lot of kind of instant credibility when it came to this field of study because he has a PhD in anthropology and works as a professor, etc. etc. The older I get though, the more I realize there’s more to it than that and that he is not immune from controversy himself much like other former cryptozoologists who are no longer with us we’re not immune to criticism in their day. Basically, I need to finish my write ups of The Skunk Ape conference before I get inundated with new material from this next one.
That’s my plan for the blog in the next few months. Forgive me if this post sounds a little bit wonky, I’m using talk to text on my iPad to type this, I’m proofreading, but it’s amazing how much you realize you stammer or use filler words when you actually have to read them all! Is there anything you want to see? Are there books you want me to review? Movies you want me to review? Are you an author that wants me to review your book for the block? Go ahead and reach out to me via Twitter or my email at. Thanks for reading and taking the time today.
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