A Cryptid History Update


Wow!  It’s been almost 2 months since I have posted here! Whew, what a busy couple of months. A lot of my plans for summer got thrown into a spiral in late June. I had been unhappy at my previous job for some time. I spent the better part of a year applying out and trying to find a new position. I wanted to work from home. It was important to me. I wanted to find a way to try and provide for my family, put my girls first, have more time for myself, and less stress. After almost a year  of seriously applying for new positions I got an interview back in January. Eventually I heard after that interview that I didn’t get the position they were hiring for at that point. I was however told, ‘you are still being considered, just not for this particular position, if anything comes up within the year, we will call you.’ I was thankful for the woman at HR that called me. I think she could sense my disappointment and she then went off script a little bit and said ‘don’t worry, you definitely did a good job with the interviews.’ So then my wait truly began. A weight had been lifted off of me for the rest of the school year, it went easier, even if it was still taxing. Then summer came, I cleaned out my classroom as if it was the last time. I went through the motions of planning for the next year. I feel some of my friends were skeptical that I would get the call over the summer. But hope springs eternal. I went home for summer, enjoyed some time off and rest. And then one day in late June the call came. We want you, we want you to start on this date in July, etc. etc. and I was off to the races. Background checks, drug tests, giving notice to my former boss, etc. My former principal said as soon as I sat down in her office “you got the job didn’t you?’ So the break from my old job was about as clean as I could have hoped for. 

I started on July 18,the first week was training. After that I started with my regular duties a week later and have been in sort of “training” ever since. I am learning a lot, and I’m starting to get the hang of things, but at this point I’m still learning. I can feel less stressed while working than I have in long time, I’m spending more time with my girls, and I’m overall MUCH less stressed than I have been in the past. I’m told by family and friends they can notice the difference in my mom and that I’m much more agreeable company lately, haha. 

What does this mean for Cryptid History? Right now, not much. As I continue learning the ropes I will end up with more time on my hands, and with that I will likely have more time to devote to Cryptid History, it is still important to me and a project I want to grow and devote time too. I have several things I’m planning on writing on in the near future, as well as other hopeful projects. I thank everyone for the time and for sticking around. 

